【人民报消息】 美国公民李祥春 |
加州议员安娜洁·伊苏2月5日在美国国会人权委员会呼吁所有的会员以及关心人权的人士和她一起帮助救援在中国被无理拘捕的美国公民李祥春。据大纪元记者吴芮华府报道,安娜洁·伊苏议员在呼吁信中敦促其他国会议员共同传达对李先生的关心并且要求他被释放。她请大家联署今日特别给中国驻美大使杨洁篪的信,信中要求中国政府立即释放李祥春。 30多岁的李祥春,职业医生。中文名李祥春,医学博士毕业曾在哈佛大学做过研究,2000年搬到旧金山湾区,在自己开设的诊所执业,目前经营中成药的生意。 李祥春于1月22日从旧金山飞抵广州机场后,立即被中国安全人员拘捕,随即被解往千里外的扬州。 美领馆官员只被允许每个月对查尔斯李探视30分钟。 据美国驻上海的领事馆官员介绍,中共方面已经确定罪名,称李去年10月在扬州被捕,那次被捕与携带光碟和电视插播仪器有关,李后来逃脱。这次中方欲以“破坏电视”的罪名对查尔斯李判7至15年的重刑。查尔斯·李对前往探视的美国驻上海领事馆官员否认了对他的指控,他说,中国公安抓他是因为他炼法轮功,把他当政治犯。 据李在湾区的朋友称中方指控是中国警方随意安加的。 李祥春(Charles Li)未婚妻符泳青,是加州大学戴维斯分校毕业的软件工程师。她正奔走华府展开营救。符小姐表示牵挂未婚夫的安全。她说“中国镇压法轮功手段残忍恐怖,我一点都不知道Charles目前的处境,我有时感到很恐惧,很想他早日回来。”
 左图:李祥春未婚妻符泳青奔走华府展开营救。图右:符泳青在华盛顿DC接受媒体采访。(请点击放大)
以下是美国国会加州议员安娜洁· 伊苏给国会人权委员会议员呼吁信的原文翻译件:“请和我一起呼吁中国释放查尔斯·李” 亲爱的同事们: 请和我一起将这封信寄给中国驻美大使杨洁篪。这封信是关于一位美国公民,查尔斯-李,在中国被拘禁。他是一名法轮功学员,现被指控破坏电视和电台设备。 李先生去中国探亲,1月22日下机后立刻在广州机场被拘留。国务院已经核实了李先生被拘留的事实。中国政府声称李先生在有线电视上插播了有关其迫害法轮功学员的片子。这些指控听上去实在不可信。李先生在中国政府称有线电视网络被干扰时,人尚在加州。如果被判刑,可能李先生会遭遇15年的徒刑。 我强烈敦促大家和我一起传达我们对李先生的关心并且要求他被释放。如果您要共同签署这封信,请于2月13日前,与我办公室的Arisbe Aguirre联系。分机号为5-8104。[译者注:直线电话应为:美国202-225-8104。] 至诚的 安娜 G 伊苏 附:给中国驻美大使杨洁篪的信(译文) 亲爱的洁篪大使: 我们对查尔斯-李的被捕和拘留非常关注。他是一名美国公民,也是加州Menlo Park的居民。李先生1月22日下机后立刻在广州机场被拘留。李先生被控破坏电视和电台设备。没有任何证据可以支持这一指控。李先生已经通过美国驻上海领馆官员坚决否认了这些指控。他认为,他之所以被拘禁,完全是因为他是一位法轮功学员。 我们对于中国由于他们的信仰而被拘禁和折磨的法轮功学员们非常地关注。 我们尊敬地,并且非常紧急地请你尽你所能保证李先生的安全和促成他的立即释放。 至诚的 安娜 G 伊苏 国会议员 附:英文原件 Join Me in Calling on China to Release Charles Li February 5, 2003 Dear Colleague: Please join me in sending the attached letter to the Ambassador of the People's Republic of China, Yang Jiechi, regarding the imprisonment of Mr. Charles Li, an American citizen and a Falun Gong practitioner who has been accused of sabotaging television and radio equipment in China. Mr. Li traveled to China to visit family members and was immediately detained at Guangzhou Airport on January 22nd. The Department of State has confirmed Mr. Li's detention. The Chinese government alleges that Mr. Li broke into cable television networks and transmitted films protesting the Chinese government's persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. These claims seem spurious at best. Mr. Li was residing in California at the time the Chinese government purports interference with its cable television network. If convicted Mr. Li could face up to 15 years in prison. I urge you to join me in conveying our concerns about Mr. Li and requesting his release. To sign on to the attached letter or for more information, contact Arisbe Aguirre in my office by February 13, 2003 at 5-8104. Sincerely, /s/ Anna G. Eshoo February XX, 2003 The Honorable Yang Jiechi, Ambassador Embassy of the People's Republic of China 2300 Connecticut Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20008 Dear Ambassador Jiechi, We are writing to express our serious concerns regarding the arrest and detainment of Mr. Charles Li, a U.S. citizen and resident of Menlo Park, California. Mr. Li was arrested shortly after his arrival at China's Guangzhou Airport on January 22, 2003, on charges of sabotaging television and radio broadcast systems. No evidence of the purported crimes has been provided. Mr. Li has adamantly denied these charges through a U.S. consular representative in Shanghai and maintains he has been arrested solely because of his practice of Falun Gong. We are extremely concerned about the religious persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China who have been detained and tortured because of their beliefs. We respectfully and urgently ask that you do everything possible to ensure Mr. Li's safety and effect his immediate release. Sincerely, /s/ Anna G. Eshoo Member of Congress