蒂凡尼·川普在2016年7月19日共和党全国代表大会的 第二天会上为其父亲竞选总统提名发表演讲。

【人民报消息】(人民报记者肖辛综合报导)蒂凡尼是川普的次女,出生于1993年,是川普和他第二任妻子、电视名人玛拉.梅波斯(Marla Maples)的女儿。蒂芙尼于1999年父母离异后与母亲住在加州,据说母女感情非常好。 23岁的蒂芙尼今年5月毕业于常春藤盟校宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania),成为父亲川普的校友。她就读艺术与科学学院,社会学及都市学双主修。 川普曾说,蒂芙尼是每门学科成绩都拿A的高材生,全家人都以她为荣。蒂芙尼曾在2014年出过单曲《像只小鸟》(Like a Bird)。 下面是蒂凡尼在2016年7月19日共和党全国代表大会的第二晚大会上为其父亲竞选总统提名发表的演讲(人民报提供文字稿): 非常感谢大家。 今晚能和你们在一起真是太惊喜了。 聊一聊我的父亲,也就是你们的总统候选人。如果我有些紧张请原谅我。 几个月前我大学毕业的时候,从没有想象过我能站在这里进行全国性的演讲,当然在同学面前演讲的机会并不少,但是从未面对这么多群众,特别是有超过千万的观众在收看。 但我和我父亲一样,在挑战面前从不退缩。带着对大会现场的些许生疏,带着无比的荣幸,以及对全美国接下来的即将认识的这位男士满满的信心,所以我来了。 人们常说,「只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针」。但真正做到又谈何容易。而我父亲却做到了。这是他众多优良品质中的一个,并且我一生都在见证着。无论他做什么事情都全力以赴并且做的都很好。 他追求卓越的精神会感染别人,他有一种能带出别人光明一面的独特天赋,从身边人开始,他不断的帮助我成为最好的自己。通过鼓励,并且以身作则,他激励我努力工作,勿忘初心。这就是他的魔力。他提炼人们的才能和干劲,并且帮其发挥出最大潜能。这种品质是做好一个父亲的前提,更是做好一个美国总统的前提。 作为一名刚毕业的大学生,我各方面能力都有待提高。但我父亲对我做的一切事情都引以为豪,事无巨细。我仍然保留着我全部的成绩单,有些可以追溯到幼儿园。因为我喜欢去回顾他在我成绩单上留下的贴心字条。你们猜想不到,作为一个很重视结果的人,我父亲评语的关注点却在老师所提及的我的课堂和课后的表现上,完全没有关注分数评级。唐纳德·特朗普从没有做过半途而废的事情,尤其作为一名父亲。他总是问起我在乔治亚州的家人,确认他们都很健康安全,包括我那曾经服役于越南的叔叔;还有我97岁曾服役于第二次世界大战的曾祖父。 我认为一个人的品德,在他人生最黑暗的时期方能显示出来。对我而言,父母的品德体现于孩子在最低谷时如何给予其鼓励与支持。几年前,我失去了一位至亲。我接到的第一通电话,和我猜想的一样,就是父亲打来的。在这段难熬的日子里,要是没有他做坚强的后盾,我不知道怎么样才能挺过来。 众所周知,在悲痛中最需要的就是最最细微的充满爱意的行为。我父亲很善于给建议,你大概能猜到吧。他说话总是简明扼要,给人的收获却一分不少。这些建议帮助我们找到自己的天赋与人生之路。如果你做你所爱,不遗余力,宠辱不惊,你大概就明白了川普的成功秘诀。 我父亲是天生的鼓舞者,从不会让你放低眼光或者放弃梦想。我总是很想将他介绍给我的朋友们,尤其那些喜欢先入为主的人,因为他们遇到的将会是一个天生充满魅力而非徒有其表的人。 我父亲本人,非常友好、贴心、风趣、真实。我朋友对他的印象,也是我对他的印象:坚强的、有安全感的、和善的、讨人喜欢的,能让我自豪的称之为父亲的人。 我从未构想过在这个座无虚席的会场上说这些话,但我感激这次机会。我一生都很敬佩父亲,并向他奉献出我全部的爱意。 愿上帝保佑你们。谢谢。 蒂凡尼·川普(Tiffany Ariana Trump)

英文原稿如下: Thank you all so much. It's so amazing to be with you tonight and say a few words about my father and your nominee for president. Please excuse me if I'm a little nervous. When I graduated college a couple of months ago, I never expected to be here tonight addressing the nation. I've given a few speeches in front of classrooms of students, but never in an arena with more than ten million people watching. But, like my father, I never back down from challenges, so here I am, a little new to the convention scene but incredibly honored and very confident in the good man that America is coming to know. It's often said that with enough effort and determination you can do whatever you put your mind to. But saying those words and living them are different things, and my father has lived them. It's one of his defining qualities and I've seen it in action all of my life. Whatever he does, he gives his all and does it well. His desire for excellence is contagious. He possesses a unique gift for bringing that trait out in others, starting with those closest to him. He's always helped me be the best version of myself by encouragement and by example. He motivates me to work my hardest and to always stay true to who I am and what I believe. That's what he does: he draws out the talent and drive in people so that they can achieve their full potential. That's a great quality to have in a father and better yet in the president of the United States. As a recent college graduate, many of my accomplishments are still to come. But my dad takes such pride in all that I've done so far, no matter how big or how small. I still keep all of my report cards, some dating back to kindergarten, because I like to look back and see the sweet notes he wrote on each and every one of them. Contrary to what you might expect from someone who places an emphasis on results, my dad's comments referred often to the sentiments expressed by my teachers, about how I acted in and out of the classroom, just not even focusing on the letter grades themselves. Donald Trump has never done anything halfway, least of all as a parent. My father always asked about my family in Georgia to make sure that they are healthy and safe. My uncle served in Vietnam and my 97-year-old grandfather served in World War II. I believe the measure of a person is revealed in their darkest times. For me, the measure of a parent is based on how they support and bolster you when you're down. A few years ago, someone very dear to me passed away and the first call I got, as I knew I would, came from my father. Without his unwavering support and care for me during such a challenging time, I don't know how I would have made it through. As far too many know, it is the small, loving acts that help an enormous amount in times of grief. My father is good with advice, as you might guess, but he keeps it short, and the takeaway is usually the same: to help us find our own way, and our own gifts. If you do what you love, hold nothing back, and never let fear of failure get in the way, then you've pretty much figured out the Trump formula. My dad is a natural-born encourager, the last person who will ever tell you to lower your sights or give up your dream. I always look forward to introducing him to my friends, especially the ones with pre-conceived notions because they meet a man with natural charm and no facade. In person, my father is so friendly, so considerate, so funny, and so real. My friends walk away with a glimpse of all that he is and all that he means to me of the strong, protective, kind, and endearing man I am so proud to call my father. I never pictured myself saying all of this to a packed arena, but I am grateful and fortunate for the chance. I have admired my father all of my life, and I love him with all my heart. God bless you, and thank you. Tiffany Ariana Trump



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