電子報 简体版

德克薩斯州民主黨籍聯邦衆議員希拉·傑克遜·李(Sheila Jackson Lee) 。

【人民報消息】在中國民衆退黨潮日益擴大的時刻,越來越多的國際政要公開聲援中國大陸退黨潮。美國當地時間7 月18日下午,大紀元時報在美國國會大廈首次舉辦九評系列研討會,題目爲:去掉僞裝,揭示一個真實的中國。三位美國聯邦國會議員到場講演,美國國會議員希拉· 傑克遜·李特別向2400多萬宣佈退出中共及其附屬組織的中國人民表示敬意。


大紀元記者南希、天來7月29日華盛頓DC報導,與此同時,歐洲議會副主席愛德華.麥克米蘭-斯考特先生(Edward McMillan-Scott)特意自歐洲布魯塞爾針對2007年7月20日在華府華盛頓紀念碑舉行的「聲援二千四百萬民衆退出中共華盛頓國際集會」發來聲援信中提到,中共犯下的罪行令人髮指,十惡不赦,也註定了它要解體的命運。西方國家應該支持中國人民捍衛人權和自由,摒棄中共鼓吹的經濟假象。


歐洲議會副主席愛德華.麥克米蘭-斯考特先生(Edward McMillan-Scott)。



在美國方面,在美國國會大廈舉辦的九評研討會上,三位美國民主和共和兩黨的聯邦議員(新澤西州民主黨衆議員羅斯.浩特Rush Holt, 加州共和黨衆議員達納.羅拉巴克Dana Rohrabacher,和德州民主黨衆議員希拉· 傑克遜·李Sheila Jackson Lee), 以及來自多個國家的政府官員、專家學者及媒體工作者對《九評》觸發的退黨大潮、中共政權對全世界人民造成的傷害及其未來走向進行了深入全面的審視與探討。

美國德州休士頓市民主黨聯邦衆議員希拉· 傑克遜·李 (Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee) 在研討會上的發言中公開聲援大陸民衆退黨潮。



德克薩斯州民主黨籍聯邦衆議員希拉·傑克遜·李(Sheila Jackson Lee) 感謝2400萬中國人站出來說宣佈退出中共。。








今天早上我們通過了有關埃塞俄比亞 (Ethiopia) 的法案。一位朋友,也是我的同事和前輩,可敬的米奇·李蘭德 (Mickey Leland),他於1989年去埃塞俄比亞看望那些飢餓的人們,途中他失去了生命,在他心中有一種對埃塞俄比亞人的愛。可是我們轉了一圈又回到了原點,也同樣爲了愛這個國家的人民,我們剛剛通過了一個制裁埃塞俄比亞的議案,我們通過了一個限制軍事援助埃塞俄比亞的議案。爲什麼啊?因爲我們知道在埃塞俄比亞還有被冤屈的人們在監獄裏受苦,目前言論自由正在被壓制。


德克薩斯州民主黨籍聯邦衆議員希拉·傑克遜·李(Sheila Jackson Lee) 感謝2400萬中國人站出來說宣佈退出中共。

中國政府有責任不去迫害與它觀點不同 (退出中共) 的人民








最後她表示,請讓我 (民主黨國會議員) 認可我的好朋友,(共和黨的) 國會議員羅拉巴克,他馬上就會上臺發言。你們可以看到,到這裏參加研討會的各方人士都是中國的朋友,中國有許多不同的朋友,我們都在關注着,希望中國可以提高到更高的層次,真正實現「人們生來平等」 !

以下是美國德州休士頓市民主黨聯邦衆議員希拉· 傑克遜·李 (Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee) 在研討會上的發言的英文全文。

(Congresswoman Jackson Lee's Speech in English)

Thank you, Stephen, very much. We have a creative podium here. Dr. Ming, Professor Ming, thank you very much. I came in during your presentation and obviously you've laid the groundwork for an important question. You have queried us about 「what the next step is for China.」

I am a friend of China. I'm a friend of Chinese people. Why do I say that? Because friends tell each other the truth. And I believe that there is probably no comparable nation state with the enormous history and opportunity of China. Now I will be argued with by many of my friends around the world. Stephen, I consider myself as an internationalist and I believe America is at her best when she is engaging, interacting, responding, befriending, and instructing in the welcoming way, but also demanding. And America must be demanding of herself.

And so as I speak to you today, let me emphasize the importance of the Epoch Times and its communication vehicle that it is. Let me indicate that as we commemorate the 8th year of the brutal and unspeakable actions against Falun Gong on July 20th, let us be reminded that acquiescence, complacency, and reserve are not the call of the day.

So I am grateful for the representation that 23 million Chinese, 23 M, have stood up and said: 「Now I renounce Communism! I do so in the name of the spirits of those who have lost their lives, who remain languishing in jails. I want no more crimes! I want no more unending persecution without justice! —the scales of justice that we've seen in this country.」 Albeit we know that we are culturally different, there must be a basis of justice in China. 「No more darkness and no more Communism!」

Now I say this in the spirit of free speech, for there may be many who would describe Communism in a different way. And frankly, we've lived alongside of Communism. I would venture to say that even if I asked any of you, whether the economic underpinnings of Communism might be acceptable. That's what their initial premise – Socialism and Communism was: a collective body – to be able to help everyone. But then when it ascended, to despotism, to the locking up of intellectual thought, to the attacking of students, who really are the cream of the crop, are being able to promote intellectual thought. That raises the ugly head of Communism. And then, as we have seen the maligning of Falun Gong – a religion that should be allowed to express its freedom.

This morning we passed the legislation dealing with Ethiopia. A friend, as I would say, my colleague and predecessor, the honorable Mickey Leland, lost his life going to Ethiopia to see those who were starving in 1989. He had a love for people. But yet we have come full circle, and today out of affection for this nation, we passed a bill of sanction. We passed the bill that would limit the military aid. Why? Because people are languishing in jail. There is a stifling of free speech. So I say to our friends in China, a friend and I say to our nation: we are less if we believe that 「Human Rights」 is not a sufficient and most moving and provocative challenge, that we should now be honest enough to challenge our friends.

I would also say to you as we look to the future, as the Epoch Times becomes the vehicle of conveying that it is alright to be able to speak against the government. It is alright to differ in your political philosophy so that you desire not to become a Communist and it is the responsibility of the government not to penalize those so that they could not have an economical opportunity.

Let me say to you that I came to the era of what we call the Black Student Movement. That was the aftermath of the Civil Rights Movement. We were the beneficiaries – being able to go into the integrated colleges. But the Civil Rights action was what we called a movement. The movement premised on the fact that we had language in our Declaration of Independence that we all were created equal with certain unalienable rights. We had a Bill of Rights that said we all deserve due process. But yet we had to modify our Constitution to be able to have 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments, to end, to strangle the segregation that was the mindset of many in this country. But it was a movement that moved the laws.

So let me applaud those who are willing to risk what we say in America 「life and limb」 to create a movement – Falun Gong is a movement of spirit and religion – and those who have stood up to say: 「Now, I'm renouncing Communism.」 It is a movement. So let me congratulate you. And may you count those of us who continue to persist in the dignity of all human beings, the value of human rights and intellectual thought, and professionalism, if you will, challenges the future of our children and the greatness of China, all together. Count us as friends that we continue to encourage you to be part of a movement, and let us work together so that we are not denounced wrongly for wanting to do good. And that we are perceived to be the friends of China that I know that all of you are, wanting for it, 「the best」.

As I close, I'd like to acknowledge my good friend – Congressman Rohrabacher who I'm sure will come soon, and you can see from the wide diversity from those who are here, China has many friends, looking to take it to that higher level that all people are created equal. Thank you all so very much.




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