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吃烤肉江晚到半小时 布什蔑视说不如去钓鱼(图)
老江一到美国就没有好日子过,身体虚弱到要人搀扶,10月25日到了维柯机场好容易两步一个台阶地下了舷梯,在平地上竟然跌了大跟头。 要是坐直升飞机,在机场里就飞到布什农场了,还不用见到抗议的人群,可是老江没那个福份,因为身体甚糟,只好坐汽车去,这样就免了爬上爬下那可怕的舷梯。 中共的官儿,哪个守时?什么重要的会,大头儿不来都得等着,甚至文艺演出也得等头儿们吃饱喝足了,晃晃悠悠地坐稳了才能开演。 江泽民虽然带了替身,在机场会见布朗接城市钥匙可以让替身做,但去布什农场可不让任何人沾边。从休斯顿到布什农场,江泽民能去就不容易,还要准时? 《Houston Chronicle》的记者BENNETT ROTH在2002年10月26日发表的文章中说,非常守时的布什对于江泽民晚到半个小时,是不能接受和宽容的。布什在冷风中等待,还焦急地看了一次表,他指着旁边的池塘对属下说:“我们还不如去钓鱼!” 和江泽民会面还不如钓鱼有趣? 新华网前几日在头版头条上不是出了一篇文章,说布什正焦急地等着江泽民吃烤肉嘛?
发表时间:Oct. 26, 2002, 1:07AM 文章题目:《Jiang concurs with Bush on N. Korea arms》 作者:By BENNETT ROTH Copyright 2002 Houston Chronicle Washington Bureau 老江迟到的一段原文: For Jiang, who is expected to step down from his post next month, the visit was heavily symbolic -- evidence that he had made it into the exclusive club of world leaders who have been invited into Bush's personal world. Jiang, who had come from Houston, was about a half-hour late, a tardiness that did not escape the exceptionally punctual Bush. As he waited outside for the Chinese president in the chilly weather, Bush looked at his watch at one point and, gesturing to the nearby pond, remarked, "we could be fishing." |
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